Wednesday, November 6, 2013


Eat less dinner.
Exercise every day.

Having no schedule really makes you forget where your progress is.

Monday, November 4, 2013

166 bpm

Hit HR 166 yesterday which is 93% MHR
Finally I feel like I'm really smashing the HIITs.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Thoughts after 2 months

Forgot to post some thoughts after 2 months.

1. Gained strength.
2. Higher resistance to lactic acid.
3. Less backaches.

1. Did not lose any weight.
2. Did not lose any inches.
3. Did not lose any fat.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Monday, October 28, 2013

Cause and Effect

Cannot go run in Shida because too late.

Too late because eat too much, need to wait for digestion.

Eat too much because long time until dinner and get very hungry.

Long time until dinner because no money to eat dinner out.

17:00 Bring a big afternoon snack from home so don't have to pay.
(Including protein and starch.)

20:30-21:30 Get home and exercise first while stomach is not empty.
(Run at 9:30pm is perfect time. There's no way I can make it.)

21:30 Eat a smaller dinner after.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

New Record

Heart Rate 157!!
for Feb last fit test
that's definitely anaerobic!
Way to go! Job well-done!!


  1. 為什麼很喘但是量心跳才13x?是否需要心跳表?
  2. 為什麼做一個月半體重跟體脂都沒有減?
  3. 為什麼有時候感覺可以進步到中級,卻才過一兩天就好像連初級都做不太下?
  4. 為什麼fit test似乎沒什麼長進?別人似乎都進步的很快
  5. 是否光做Bodyrock就可以瘦?

Heart Rate

Muscle endurance too low -> tired but heart rate still low -> not getting enough benefits from hiit

I guess rather than anaerobic it should be more adequately called "high intensity cardio with weight training".
Would like to get a heart rate monitor soon.

End of February Challenge

Today's the end of my 2nd month of bodyrocking.
I have not lost any weight or fat%.
And even not really sure what has gotten better this month.
But I guess I'll keep at it.
It's too wasteful to throw away 2 good months of training.

For the next month, I would like to add more light cardio!
And start eating better.
And we'll see how it goes from there.

Portioning Progress

Yesterday I started being aware of portion sizes and how much food I've been gobbling down. And today already I am the lightest I've been in 11 days.
So yes portioning.
And eating 4 times  day.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Food Challenges

water: 1.8L per day

Portion Size
super foods 4-5 times a day
lean protein: size & thickness of palm (not including fingers)
veggies: 2 cupped hands together
starchy carbs: 1 handful

Wednesday, October 23, 2013


Finding that I could not fit into my old jeans. Not sure what to think of it.

Friday, October 18, 2013


(´-`).。oO(I wanna be buff and lean...)

Cardio after Bodyrock

I think it could be a steller idea to add cardio after my normal routine
but how's it gonna work? Sine I usually work out so late at night.
What are some cardio that can be done at home?


為什麼每到假日就想偷懶 囧
不過看了一下手臂蘇蘇的muscle還是加減做了一下pull ups

Jump rope

It could be a good idea to add jump rope to the routine.